We head out to Portage next Friday for the Nationals. For coverage during the event please visit
http://www.portagejuniornationals.com/. Game results, pictures, news releases, etc. should be posted throughout the week so check the site often! See below for our round robin game schedule:
Saturday 2/2/2008 (KC's birthday!)
8:00 am Practice
7:00 pm vs. Anderson (PA)
Sunday 2/3/2008
12:00 pm vs. Schieber (UT)
Monday 2/4/2008
12:00pm vs. Solem (MN II)
8:00 pm vs. Tucker (ND)
Tuesday 2/5/2008
4:00 pm vs. Schaffer (WI II)
Wednesday 2/6/2008
12:00 pm vs. Hufman (AK)
8:00 pm vs. Stewart (IL)
Thursday 2/7/2008
12:00 pm vs. Spatola (WI I)
8:00 pm vs. Carlson (MN I)
For the complete draw visit
http://www.usacurl.org/curlingrocks/images/PDFs/2008.jr.draw.pdfWe would appreciate your support during the week. You can email us at
teamwalker@usacurl.orgGood Curling!