Saturday, February 2, 2008

por... TAGE

I have to say, I had a little bit of a scare when I woke up this morning (Friday.. i.e. the day before Nationals) to pouring rain and high winds in Boston, and a snowstorm in Milwaukee. We have the worst luck in history when it comes to traveling and weather and this time was no different -- the Philadelphia flight to Madison was canceled so Laura and Jillian ended up driving from Chi-town and essentially just arrived in Por-TAGE (sidenote : stress on the 'tage' similarly to target becoming tar-JAY just to class things up a little bit). We still eagerly await Nikki's any-minute arrival and then CWB will finally be reunited and we will have defeated all airline delays and weather conditions.

The hotel is spacious which is reassuring considering we are here for nine days. We missed both USADA drug testing meetings due to travel (major stroke of luck right there - most boring meeting in the existence of the world). And we managed to convince the Massachusetts boys to switch practice times with us so we don't have to get up quite so early tomorrow. Oh and I forgot my broom at Broomstones (Mom can you bring that for me?) I'm probably the most prepared curler ever...

Other than that, all i-pods are charged, the speakers are loaded, new broom heads on the brooms, shoes polished (not) and awkward pictures on the door to indicate that Team Massachusetts Women, aka Chicks With Brooms are in Wisconsin, probably the best state in the United States, and we are ready to curl. Check out our game at 7PM against Anderson from Philadelphia and EMAIL US at, pleaaase.

PS. Pregnant women know exactly what they are talking about when it comes to cheesy gordita crunches from taco bell.

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